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5 Things You Should Never Do On Your First Day At Work

Your first day at a new office will set your work chemistry for months to come. With your boss, and your colleagues. Here's how to make it perfect!

It doesn't matter if it's your first job or fifth; getting nervous on your first day at work is normal. Usually, it's pointless worrying - but, just in case, make sure you don't end up doing any of the following things:
1. Skip breakfast
Even if you're not a breakfast person - eat something before you leave home. You never know what the working culture is. Or whether the nearby coffee shop will be open that early or even how much work you're going to be doing as soon as you start.
2. Reach late or leave early
We all know that the traffic is always bad, but it's not an excuse for reaching late anymore. Account for the traffic and for finding the right place. It's okay if you reach a bit early, it'll give a chance to look around and maybe even use the loo.
3. Ask for leave
This is your first day! Don't make plans for which you'll need to take leave so soon. If it's a doctor's appointment, try to reschedule it for the weekend or for after work. It's much better to ask if you can leave earlier than usual than taking the entire day off.
4. Wear something uncomfortable
We get that you're excited and you want to look your stylish best. But don't make the mistake of wearing those brand-new pumps just yet. Stick to something you'll be able to run around and climb steps in. It's okay to compromise on fashion on your first day.
5. Take too many personal calls
Family, friends, your boyfriend... They all mean well when they call or text to find out how your first day is going. But it's going to end up making a bad impression of you on your boss. Avoid taking too many calls when you're at your desk and having a private conversation within earshot of your seniors.


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