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Diaper rash do’s and don’ts

After birth of a baby, mothers start to learn so many things related to the infant’s feeding time, sleep, health problems, etc. Among all these problems, a big headache of mothers is baby diaper rash. It's a problem by both working women and stay-at-home mothers too. It is commonly considered that wearing diapers for a long stretch of time causes diaper rash. That is a reason, but not the only cause of diaper rash. There are many reasons behind it.
VIDEO Diaper rash do’s and don’ts
A child's diaper area may look irritated and red, the skin may be a little puffy with a few prickly red spots in a small or extended area, and the skin there feels warm to touch. This lasts longer than two days and doesn't respond to typical treatment for diaper rash.
Diaper rash is typically triggered by a combination of moisture (too much), air (too little), friction (rubbing against those soft folds of skin) and irritants (think everything from urine and stool to the ingredients in disposable diapers, wipes, bath products and laundry detergents). And that pretty much sums up what your baby's bottom is exposed to most of the day and night.
Different types of reasons of diaper rash
When your child's urine mixes with bacteria from his stool, it breaks down into ammonia, which can be very harsh on the skin and diarrhea are more prone to diaper rash. Although a child left in a wet diaper for too long is more likely to develop diaper rash, any child with sensitive skin can get a rash, even if you're diligent about diaper changes. Diaper rash may be the result of his diaper rubbing against his skin, especially if he's sensitive to chemicals, like the fragrances in a disposable diaper or the laundry detergent used to wash a cloth diaper. It could also be that a product you're using during diaper changes irritates your child's skin. It is also common when your child first starts eating solid foods or tries a new food. A new food also might increase the frequency of your child's bowel movements.  The diaper area is warm and moist so it's easy for a bacterial or yeast infection to flourish there and cause a rash. Children sometimes get yeast infections because certain drugs kill the healthy bacteria that keep yeast in check as well as the harmful bacteria that's causing the illness. Antibiotics can also cause diarrhea, which can contribute to diaper rash.
If diaper rash develops, take these steps to heal your child's skin:
·               Keep your child clean and dry by changing his diaper frequently. That may mean getting him up at night for a diaper change
·               Rinse his diaper area well at each diaper change. Don't use wipes that contain alcohol or fragrance.
·               Pat your child's skin dry. Don't rub! Don't use powders.
·               Use an ointment that forms a barrier on the skin to protect your child's irritated skin from stool and urine.
·               Put your child's diaper on loosely, or use a diaper that's a little big on him to allow for better air circulation.
·               When the weather is warm and your child can play outside, leave his diaper. Exposure to the air will speed healing.
·               Consider letting your child sleep with a bare bottom whenever he has a rash. A plastic sheet under the cloth one helps protect the mattress.

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