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Fish oil can keep heart attack away

A new study has revealed that increasing your intake of vitamin D and omega-3 fats can be good for your heart health. The research also highlighted that it can prevent cancer deaths apart from being beneficial for your overall health.
The study examined 26,000 men and women from the US in the country-wide VITAL clinical trial. Lead author of the study JoAnn Manson from Harvard University said, "The pattern of findings suggests a complex balance of benefits and risks for each intervention and points to the need for additional research to determine which individuals may be most likely to derive a net benefit from these supplements.”
The results are indicative of promising signals for specific outcomes. This comes after the researchers conducted an intensive examination for more than five years. The findings point out how omega-3 fats found in fish oil played a non-significant role in reducing the possibilities of a heart attack.
The benefits of treatment were visible especially among people who consumed fish below the group median of 1.5 servings in a week. The same couldn’t be said about people with intake above that level, according to NDTV. Randomised trials of omega-3 fatty acids cemented the benefits of fish oil for heart health.
Similarly, vitamin D was linked to a considerable cut in total cancer mortality, but it didn’t lower major cardiovascular disease (CVD) events or the aggregate cancer occurrences. The research is set to be presented during The North American Menopause Society (NAMS) Annual Meeting in Chicago, from September 25-28.

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