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Prenatal THC Exposure May Risk Lifelong Health


A recent study shows that exposure to THC during pregnancy could significantly affect fetal development, leading to life-long health impacts on offspring.


The research discovered that THC exposure altered the placental and fetal epigenome, changes that are consistent with common neurobehavioral conditions like autism spectrum disorder. This adds to the growing evidence that challenges the perception of cannabis as completely safe, especially during pregnancy.


Researchers hope these findings will inform public health policies and patient counseling on cannabis use.


Key Facts:


1. THC exposure during pregnancy alters the placental and fetal epigenome, causing changes consistent with neurobehavioral conditions like autism spectrum disorder.

2. The study was conducted on non-human primates, where daily THC exposure showed significant epigenetic changes in key areas related to prenatal development, including the placenta and fetal brain, heart, and lungs.

3. Researchers hope that this study can inform and guide public health policies and patient counseling on cannabis use, especially during pregnancy.

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